
25Mar 2020

There are many advantages to using jalousie windows. That is why they continue to gain popularity in highly engineered commercial buildings. Their modern design offers a sleek, functional alternative when compared to the traditional fixed window. In addition to looking sleek and modern, jalousie window vents also offer a substantial number of advantages. Below, we’ll

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24Jan 2020

For the last decade, Moffitt has continued to grow and innovate. The entire Moffitt team continues to look for new opportunities to help modernize the company and pursue novel approaches for increased success. By investing in new manufacturing facilities, reorganizing our sales approach, and celebrated our history with the Soaring 20’s conference, 2019 was an

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20Jan 2020

Moffitt is proud to present our new Vision, Mission, Values statements. These ideals highlight where our organization is going (vision), how we are going to get there (mission), and what is important to us along the way (values). Together, they act as the road map for Moffitt’s next decade and beyond. The statements are as

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23Dec 2019
industrial wall fan with rain hoods exterior

The PressureStream line is a collection of modular, customizable power ventilation systems for warm air roof exhaust and/or cool air supply. As part of our initiative to “streamline” the ventilation buying process, our PressureStream fans come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and motors to ensure you get the fan system you need. Modern Propeller

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04Dec 2019
industrial energy efficiency

“Going green” has been steadily gaining traction among industrial companies for some time. For those looking to join in on the green revolution, this involves designing ways to improve energy efficiency in new and existing structures. By moving away from traditionally powered ventilation systems and moving towards natural ventilation solutions, companies are achieving these “green

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20Nov 2019
Hooded Roof Fans

If you need to pressurize your facility, say for hygiene purposes, the Moffitt Hooded Roof Fan is the ideal unit for your building. This industrial fan is immensely powerful, exceptionally reliable, and customizable to suit the ventilation needs of your facility. Below are some features and benefits of the Moffitt Hooded Roof Fan units. Fan

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30Oct 2019
Large Moffitt Corporation Logo

In 2016 we rolled out new products and redefined what Moffitt Logo was as a company. We updated our website, rolled out a new catalog, and made some big steps in our branding. All that said and done, we never quite updated our logo to match. Now that we’re entering a new decade, we’ve totally

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29Aug 2019
Firex Open Smoke Vent

Regardless of how careful workers are sometimes fires happen. Hot work, flammable liquids, combustible dust, industrial equipment, and electrical hazards make fires in industrial facilities inevitable. To avoid keep workers safe, and avoid costly damages, it is important to take measures to evacuate heat and smoke when this happens. A life safety device, like the

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21Aug 2019
Model RV ventilator

The Model RV ridge ventilator is a compact industrial ventilator that provides warm air exhaust for warehouses and industrial buildings. Help stifling air exhaust through the roof opening, while prevent any rain entrance, with a Model RV from Moffitt. With the recent acquisition of Romla Fans, the small scale, industrial ridge ventilator has been updated

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