
04Aug 2014

The ridge ventilator, or as we like to call it, the MoffittVent™ ventilator, has been used in industrial facilities for more than 50 years. While they were originally designed for the steel industry, this type of natural ventilator works in many other fields as well. Learn more about what makes a ridge mounted natural ventilator

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23Jul 2014

In most modern industrial facilities, keeping the space cool for employees means installing powered exhaust fans. It seems common and practical enough but if you dig a little deeper you will find that it is one of the more impractical methods for keeping a building cool and comfortable. Industrial natural ventilation can be a better

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26Jun 2014

See the natural ventilation discovery, and the early days of Moffitt, in our Caveman Creativity video. This tongue-in-cheek-cartoon shows how the Caveman found out about natural ventilation. Watch this short video below to see the ingenuity of the Caveman in action. Natural Ventilation Discovery thanks to the Moffitt Caveman Through trial-and-error, he created the MoffittVent.

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23Jun 2014

In most modern industrial facilities, ventilation is also of vital importance, and keeping the space cool for employees often means installing powered exhaust fans. It seems practical enough, buy some fans to cool your building. However, further research will show that it is one of the more impractical methods for keeping an industrial building cool.

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11Jun 2014

Moffitt provides facilitates with a turn-key ventilation contracting services. As a full-service ventilation contractor, we perform a variety of installation services. A specialty ventilation contractor that focuses on the installation of industrial ventilation systems, Moffitt can do it all. We maintain mechanical licenses throughout the country and have performed jobs in most states. Additionally, the

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23May 2014

Throughout history, buildings have utilized natural ventilation. With the increased push toward energy efficiency, however, the science behind natural ventilation has once again become immensely popular. Depending on the design of the building, the local climate, and the building’s purpose, natural ventilation can be an effective means of keeping the space at a comfortable temperature

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19May 2014

The easiest way to describe how natural ventilation works is that it cools a space without mechanical energy. It effectively provides efficient cooling via passive ventilation. Natural ventilation is an extremely user-friendly way to remove stifling air from an indoor space, with no maintenance costs or upkeep. How Natural Ventilation Works – Science Now, we

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17Apr 2014
MatrixVent natural ventilator

Have you considered switching to natural ventilation. For decades powered ventilation has been the standard in industry settings. While fans and blowers are the most effective way to ventilate some spaces, they are not the right fit in every situation. Fortunately, there is natural ventilation. It is an industrial ventilation system design that uses no

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20Feb 2014

With the increased awareness of energy costs and the environmental impacts of energy use, natural ventilation has become a more appealing method for reducing usage and cost. This natural ventilation approach provides superior indoor environment air quality and helps maintain a healthy, comfortable, and productive climate. When compared to the more customary approach of mechanical

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02Feb 2014

How Does a Pressure Gravity System Work? A Pressure Gravity System, also known as hybrid ventilation system, is one of the oldest ways to obtain fresh airflow in an enclosed space. Each Pressure Gravity System uses positive pressure to help ventilate manufacturing and industrial properties. Temperature differentials between the air inlets at the floor level and

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