Green Ventilation

23Jul 2014

In most modern industrial facilities, keeping the space cool for employees means installing powered exhaust fans. It seems common and practical enough but if you dig a little deeper you will find that it is one of the more impractical methods for keeping a building cool and comfortable. Industrial natural ventilation can be a better

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23Jun 2014

In most modern industrial facilities, ventilation is also of vital importance, and keeping the space cool for employees often means installing powered exhaust fans. It seems practical enough, buy some fans to cool your building. However, further research will show that it is one of the more impractical methods for keeping an industrial building cool.

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17Apr 2014
MatrixVent natural ventilator

Have you considered switching to natural ventilation. For decades powered ventilation has been the standard in industry settings. While fans and blowers are the most effective way to ventilate some spaces, they are not the right fit in every situation. Fortunately, there is natural ventilation. It is an industrial ventilation system design that uses no

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20Feb 2014

With the increased awareness of energy costs and the environmental impacts of energy use, natural ventilation has become a more appealing method for reducing usage and cost. This natural ventilation approach provides superior indoor environment air quality and helps maintain a healthy, comfortable, and productive climate. When compared to the more customary approach of mechanical

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10Jan 2014

There’s no question that green building construction and efficient commercial ventilation design have hit its stride in mainstream adoption. When government agencies are adopting such standards and telling their departments to use them whenever possible, some may say that the trend has truly become established. As a result, it’s important for construction companies and interior

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04Dec 2013
green energy light bulb

The green revolution is bringing substantial changes to industrial ventilation and helping builders, contractors, and engineers create solutions that incorporate an increased use of natural ventilation into both new and existing structures. By moving away from traditionally powered ventilation systems and joining the green energy movement, companies are enjoying lower operating costs, reduced environmental impact,

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02Dec 2013
green energy light bulb

As the market for green energy products grows, more business owners are contemplating ways to increase sustainability and reduce their overall environmental impact. For most companies, it is not feasible to move into new, energy-efficient facilities; as a result, green retrofitting is set to be the next big thing for contractors and HVAC professionals. With

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