
25Jun 2015

Power Exhaust Ventilation vs. Natural Ventilation is the big question when it comes to ventilating an industrial space. On the one hand you have a powered solution that moves hot air with great force. Nothing says ventilation like a bunch of fans whirring on non-stop on the roof. On the other hand, you have a

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06Feb 2015
construction crane safety

Cranes are the most dangerous piece of equipment that is used on a construction site and in a factory environment. Moffitt regularly uses mobile cranes on our projects along with cranes within the manufacturing facility. These cranes can lift heavy loads and crates full of equipment to heights between 30 feet to over 250 feet.

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11Nov 2013
construction crane safety

When it comes to building maintenance, safety is always the top concerns. Even a project that involves green retrofitting for ventilation can provide challenges. Workers must be careful when using cranes, ladders, scaffolds, electricity, etc. Any powerful equipment than can tip over, fall, break, or otherwise hurt people. That’s why the Occupational Safety Health Administration

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12Sep 2013

Power Plants can themselves consume enormous quantities of energy. Heating and cooling use a lot of energy. This is energy that should be sent out to the grid. These internal energy costs can be better controlled by the implementation of smart ventilation design and natural ventilation techniques. Improve power plant efficiency with Moffitt industrial ventilation.

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