Natural Smoke Relief

08Jun 2021
Coltlite Laguardia

Atriums have been a popular architectural design choice since ancient Rome. Not only do they add beauty to an indoor environment, but they also bring natural light and fresh air into the buildings. They give the impression of an outdoor environment while being indoors, making people happier and more at ease. Originally, atriums were built

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25Mar 2020

There are many advantages to using jalousie windows. That is why they continue to gain popularity in highly engineered commercial buildings. Their modern design offers a sleek, functional alternative when compared to the traditional fixed window. In addition to looking sleek and modern, jalousie window vents also offer a substantial number of advantages. Below, we’ll

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30Oct 2019
Large Moffitt Corporation Logo

In 2016 we rolled out new products and redefined what Moffitt Logo was as a company. We updated our website, rolled out a new catalog, and made some big steps in our branding. All that said and done, we never quite updated our logo to match. Now that we’re entering a new decade, we’ve totally

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29Aug 2019
Firex Open Smoke Vent

Regardless of how careful workers are sometimes fires happen. Hot work, flammable liquids, combustible dust, industrial equipment, and electrical hazards make fires in industrial facilities inevitable. To avoid keep workers safe, and avoid costly damages, it is important to take measures to evacuate heat and smoke when this happens. A life safety device, like the

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13May 2019

Since 1961, Moffitt has provided Ventilation Solutions for the heavy commercial and industrial markets. Now, Moffitt is bringing a new portfolio of highly engineered, state-of-the-art ventilation and smoke control products to the commercial market. Below is a Q&A to help new customers get acquainted with Moffitt, and Natural Solutions. Q:  What types of solutions does

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20Feb 2018
Blurry image of classroom interior

Between fire drills and warning signs on every emergency exit, schools will do anything to keep their facilities, and more importantly students, safe. However, besides the initial instruction and occasional inspection, how prepared are most schools for fires and emergencies? For low-costs, Moffitt offers affordable Heat and Smoke vents for schools to keep students and

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07Feb 2017
Firex Smoke Vents

When moving into a pre-existing facility the emergency fire system may need updating to fit current requirements. However, knowing the exact requirements for each building can be a challenge. While most warehouses in the U.S. require ESFR (Early Suppression, Fast Response) sprinkler systems many large facilities may also need Fire Protection Smoke Vents. Choosing the

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