Natural Ventilation

30May 2024

Industrial HVAC is the process of providing clean, cool air and removing hot, dirty air from large buildings. Buildings such as paper plants, steel mills, warehouses, and factories can all benefit from industrial ventilation. Unlike commercial systems, industrial ventilation is specifically designed to address the unique challenges and requirements of large-scale facilities. The primary goal

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12May 2024
PressureStream wall fan

Sometimes the best ventilation solution is the one that was installed fifty years ago. Rust, weather, and age can take their toll on individual pieces of equipment, but the principles of ventilation haven’t changed since the time of the caveman. Exhausting hot air and introducing cool air are the goals, regardless of the millennia. Moffitt

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28Mar 2024
Moffitt Logo - 2024

Our company has made huge strides in the last 12 months so we felt it was now time to revisit our branding for the Moffitt Logo – 2024. Back in 2019 we made a major update to the Moffitt logo. The “solutions ring” represents Moffitt as a company better than the old fan blade (remember

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19Sep 2023
Ventilation Install

For over sixty years Moffitt has provided ventilation install solutions for facilities throughout North America. From single fans to massive natural ventilators, Moffitt can help you get your new solution installed. In addition, with our network of Moffitt Certified Installers, you can be sure that there is an experienced installation team near you. See the

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07Jul 2023
heatwave 2023

Moffitt is here to help you beat the heatwave with a new or updated ventilation solution. July 5th was the hottest day ever recorded in the U.S.! The heat shows no signs of stopping either. Projections show this trend continuing throughout the summer and the coming years. Get ahead of the heat wave that is

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29Mar 2023
Ladder Safety Types

Ladders are essential for many of our daily tasks in homes, offices, and work sites. Because ladders are so common people assume that they know how to use them properly. As workplace safety is a top priority for most industrial companies is it crucial that every employee knows and follows ladder safety tips. But always

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20Feb 2023
Moffitt Natural Ventilation Lunch & Learn

Discover the benefits of Natural Ventilation without leaving the office. A Moffitt Lunch & Learn gives you the chance to discover the secrets of natural ventilation, from the natural ventilation experts. We’ve been doing this for over 60 years, so we know a thing or two. Everything You Need to Know About Natural Ventilation We’re

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