Wall Louvers

06Dec 2018

All EcoStream wall louvers provide ample fresh intake air while standing up to the harshest environments of various industrial applications. At the same time, they also provide a maximum free area and minimal pressure drop. Moffitt industrial wall louvers only require electricity when switched on. As a result they are a passive intake solution in

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05Sep 2018
industrial louvers vs commercial louvers

For an industrial space, you need an industrial wall louver. Louvers, dampers, and valves designed for a commmercial building just aren’t enough when it comes to industrial ventilation. Moffitt wall louvers are They are strong enough to stand up to the toughest industrial applications like steel mills and heavy manufacturing. Additionally, many of them can

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27Jun 2017

The Moffitt EcoStream line includes all the Moffitt Corporation adjustable and fixed wall louvers. These louvers create an efficient, positive stream of air. They are environmentally friendly and, unlike intake fans, require no electricity. Natural Intake Air for Heavy Commercial and Industrial Facilities We use proven ventilation methods to control airflow, and modern engineering and

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29Mar 2017
industrial louvers vs commercial louvers

When you are constructing or retrofitting your facility, you might be considering diverse ways to save money on ventilation without sacrificing quality. Compromises can be made on many things. However, if you have an industrial facility, choosing a light-duty louver is not one of them. To meet the building’s intake air demands, and stand-up to

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13Oct 2013

The wall louver is the most overlooked element of industrial ventilation. Virtually every industrial facility uilizes wall louvers. However most people barely even think about their louvers, let alone details like material, quantity, or blade type. As the experts in natural ventilation, we realize that intake air, and in turn wall louvers, are a vital

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20Sep 2012
EcoStream 90 wall louvers, EcoStream Louver - 90°

Most often people think the solution to solving a building’s heat problem is to add more roof exhaust fans. The logic being that to draw more heat out of the building, the building needs more fans. To really solve a ventilation problem though, it is a bit more complex. When it is hot inside the

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