Commercial Ventilation from Moffitt
Moffitt is known around the world for its expertise in industrial ventilation solutions. But did you know we also provide equipment for the heavy commercial ventilation market as well? That’s right, while we do most of our business in foundries, mills, and power plants, we also offer a variety of solutions for warehouses, storerooms, commercial laundry centers and more as well.
At Moffitt, we provide a complete line of natural solutions for the building envelope. We can help with any part of the building where people walk, work, or sweat. Our most obvious solutions include natural ventilation, powered ventilation, and natural cooling too.

Several Moffitt products, such as the TriadVent, Model RV, Model RR, and Model ST are ideal for commercial and institutional settings. These products are ideal for facilities such as retail, distribution centers, storerooms, showrooms, and more. They are designed for continuous natural ventilation.
These vents are lightweight, efficient, and work well in spaces with moderate amounts of heat. Plus, as with any natural ventilation device, they use no electricity and require no maintenance.
Next, one of our newest and most exciting products at Moffitt is our DeltaStream evaporative cooling unit. This device uses evaporative cooling to lower building temperatures below outdoor ambient conditions. More efficient than competing evaporative cooling units, the DeltaStream can work in low-heat commercial environments. It is also effective in more climates throughout the U.S. Workrooms, meeting halls, data centers, and even retail stores have all seen the benefits of natural cooling.
Finally, Moffitt also offers a complete line of powered commercial ventilation fans as well. We offer a variety of fans for buildings of all different sizes. The Model V upblast fan line is our most popular series of fans for commercial spaces. These powerful fans exhaust warm air up and out of the building. Hooded roof fans and wall fans are great at moving large volumes of air, and axial fans are great for significantly increasing air movement.
A fan designed to provide supply air in a Pressure Gravity System® into a steel mill can also provide supply air into a warehouse. The Moffitt Power Ventilation line includes a variety of axial fans and centrifugal fans used in everything from kitchens and storerooms to warehouses and offices. See our Powered Ventilation page to learn more.
Years ago, commercial building owners wouldn’t have even considered natural ventilation or natural solutions. However, the recent drive towards being green and lowering costs has to lead to more open minds. Moffitt has been the natural ventilation specialist for over 55 years and as demand for it increases in the industrial space, we want to be there.