Data Center Ventilation Solutions
Ventilation is a growing concern for all data centers. Server maintenance and energy are the most obvious areas of interest, but proper ventilation vital to proper operations. Additionally, it is also an issue that is often overlooked. Read on to see why data center ventilation solutions are so important.
Data Center Ventilation Solutions
Whether you’re a colocation provider, a crypto currency miner, or a private company, it is proper ventilation is crucial. Keeping your data center cool ensures the equipment does not overheat and that everything continues to run smoothly. When it comes to ventilation there are two things to consider; intake and exhaust.
An intake unit is anything that brings fresh air into the space. This can include wall fans, roof fans, and wall louvers. These units keep the air flowing through the space. They prevent the hot air from stagnating and heating up the computers. On the other hand, rooftop ventilators, like the MatrixVent, provide an exhaust point for warm air. These weather protected openings allow for hot air to leave the building naturally.
Modular wall systems, like the new DataStream Louver™, help provide intake and exhaust for a data center. The Moffitt DataStream is an exciting new product specifically designed for data center ventilation solutions. Contact us today to learn more about this product.
Maintenance & Repair
Anytime a fan goes down, temperatures rise and the potential for failure increases. Powered ventilation for heat exhaust can be time-consuming. Tightening belts, replacing blades, and fixing motors are all common requirements with fans. Roof fans can be hard to access as well. Of course this gets even more complicated when you have a whole roof top of fans.
On the other hand, a natural ventilation solution requires no maintenance. Air flows naturally through a wall louver system. As a result, there are no moving parts, and in turn nothing to repair or maintain. Even a Hybrid Ventilation solution can help reduce some of the maintenance costs as it replaces rooftop fans with sidewall fans. Easier access means easier repairs solves many of the problems as well. Sidewall fans don’t have this same access problem as roof fans. Nor do they require the same amount of maintenance.

Moffitt and Data Center Ventilation
A recent article on data center energy use recently pointed out that “U.S. Data Centers use more than 90 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year”. That is a massive amount of energy to keep system running successfully. While even the most inefficient ventilation system will only account for a fraction of a facility’s energy use every little bit helps.