Energy Savings CO2 – Carbon Capture = 5M Trees
It would take 5,317,777 trees to save as much CO2 as the MoffittVent did in 2016. This eliminates the 135,078 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) that would have been produced by using powering exhaust fans. This energy is saved and the CO2 disappears by switching to natural ventilation. The impact of MoffittVent adds up to have a sizable impact on Energy Savings CO2 and the environment.
Save CO2 to Save the Trees

Trees play an important part in the ecosystem. They absorb the CO2 that mammals generate, and expel oxygen that mammals consume. Ideally, there should be balance in the ecosystem with trees and plants absorbing as much CO2 as human activity expels. Trees can’t absorb the CO2 surplus created by machinery and equipment. Excess CO2 puts the environment in disequilibrium, causing climate change. That is why there is such an interest in CO2 capture and reducing CO2 output.
The carbon “footprint” is the amount of CO2 generated. This is how much of an impact an individual (through the fuel they use, the products they consume, or even the food they eat) can have through their CO2 emissions. Typically, a tree can absorb about 48 pounds of CO2 in a year. The average person will use significantly more than this. That is why reducing your footprint is so important.
MoffittVent™ Energy Savings CO2
A single exhaust fan will produce approximately 56,000 lbs of CO2 in a year. Dividing that by 48, we can see that it would take about 1,100 trees to absorb the CO2 required to power those fans. That is a lot of trees for one exhaust fan. Of course, the average factory can have between 10 – 20 fans, resulting in a much higher number.
This is where a natural ventilator can have a huge impact. Switching to non-powered ventilation is like planting thousands of trees. Devices like the MoffittVent™ save CO2 by reducing the need for energy. For example, if a single factory replaced its 10 exhaust fans with a natural ventilator tomorrow, it would eliminate about 560,000 lbs. of CO2 in its first year. That’s like planting 11,000 trees.
In just the last 20 years the MoffittVent™ has saved enough energy to have an impact equal to 8 million trees! This amazing amount of energy savings is all thanks to the durability, longevity, and ventilation power, of the number one industrial natural ventilation device. More Energy Savings CO2 as well with natural ventilation.
The MoffittVent™ Investment
The MoffittVent™ is an investment that pays for itself in as little as 3 years. Of course it will continue to save, more and more, for next few decades. In fact, we’ve seen units last as long as 50+ with virtually no maintenance. There’s no belts to tighten, no rotors to fix, and no fans to replace. That’s because a MoffittVent™ doesn’t just replace ten fans, it replaces those ten fans, their replacements, and their replacements’ replacements. A single vent can replace dozens of fans over its lifetime.
The MoffittVent™ is an investment that pays for itself. In fact, it usually pays for itself in less than three years. The Moffitt Cost Calculator shows exactly how much you could save by switching to natural ventilation. By choosing a system that provides free ventilation you can save today, tomorrow, and twenty years from now. The Calculator is a great way to but hard-to-visualize savings into very real dollars and cents.
Choosing a Moffitt ventilator is just a small step that helps the environment. Realize energy savings CO2 with a natural ventilation system. That means you can save electricity by essentially doing nothing. At Moffitt natural ventilation and saving energy is our passion. That is why we have been ventilation’s natural solution since 1961.
The statistics above include data from MoffittVent™ units installed between twenty years ago through last year. However, the figures above represent just the emissions saved in the 2016 calendar year. As each unit continues to operate year after year, often for decades, it continues to realize energy savings each and every year.
For instance a typical 180 ft2 unit installed in 1996 would have saved enough emissions equal to 1,100 trees. The same amount of carbon is captured, year after year for two decades, then in twenty years that ventilator will have removed 1.6 million pounds of from the atmosphere. That is a great impact for such a small ventilator. Considering most plants have several vents, with some measuring as much as 10,000+ ft2, the savings can be massive.
Calculation Assumptions
All calculations above assume fans are set to run for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is typical for many types of industrial facilities. The above figure also does not take into account costs related to repairs of fans or facilities that have been closed or remodeled since the original ventilator(s) were installed.