How Much Does an Industrial Fan Cost?
While ceiling fans for your home are generally one-size-fits-all solutions, industrial fans are a different story. From fans meant to cool a specific area to fans designed to cool entire buildings, there are a lot of options available to you. Because of that, the cost can be very different depending on your needs. So, if you’re wondering “how much does an industrial fan cost?”, you need to first figure out what type of fan you need.
Finding the Industrial Fan You Need
The industrial fan cost will vary greatly depending on your needs. Size, motor, features, and service will all impact the overall cost. Read on to learn more about options for your industrial fan.

As you might expect, a 72″ diameter fan will be more expensive than a 24″ fan. The size impacts the cost of materials, the design of the unit, and the HP of the motor. It can also impact the cost of the installation and mounting. The first step is always finding which type of fan is right for your building. Fortunately, the team at Moffitt can help you with that.
If you know what size fan you need, we can get shipped right out to you. If you don’t know, our team members will help you figure it out. They’ll talk to you about the size and layout of the building to find the right sized fan for you. Maybe you need a pedestal fan? Maybe you need a large wall fan for supply air? At Moffitt, we want you to get the right industrial fan to meet your needs.
Industrial fans often work around-the-clock. That requires a very strong, very durable motor. Ask yourself how many hours a day the fan needs to run. How large is the fan blade the motor needs to move? The answers to those questions will directly affect the motor’s cost. Bigger buildings mean bigger fans, and bigger motors. Fortunately, motors have become more powerful, more efficient, and more affordable over the years.
The industrial fan cost can vary a lot depending on the features you choose. Options like guards, dampers, special paint and coating all add to the total price. Additionally, corrosion resistant components and blade materials also impact the bottom line. Not to mention one of the most basic questions with an industrial fan, belt drive motor or direct drive motor?
The biggest factor in increasing your industrial fan cost is buying the same fan over and over again. Over the last sixty years, the team at Moffitt has seen many fans that have fallen into disrepair because of poor maintenance. From broken belts to unlubricated equipment, to rusted components, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Staying on top of your fan maintenance schedule will keep them running more smoothly, for longer.
The simple truth is that there is a huge range of prices for industrial fans. Keeping the above choices in mind, industrial fan cost can be anywhere from $400 to over $10,000 for some units. The simple truth is that bigger, more powerful fans cost more, and a smaller, more focused fan will be less expensive. Our team is committed to delivering High Quality, High-Performance fans at the Lowest Cost.
Finally, the team at Moffitt can help you find the right fan for your building. Whether it’s a fan for your workspace, your work zone, or your whole building, Moffitt can help. Our design team can even help you determine where your fans need to be installed for maximum impact. Contact us today to get started on your new industrial fan ventilation solution.