Industrial Make-Up Air Units and How They Work
Industrial Make-up air units (MAU) adjust air temperature and humidity in a building. Instead of recycling or recirculating the stagnating air already in the building, make-up air units bring in fresh air from the outside. This fresh air contributes to a better working environment. Make-Up Air Unit comes in heating or non-heating varieties.
Direct Fired Heaters

Direct fired heaters introduce heated make-up air into a building. The make-up air unit may be mounted outdoors or indoors, in either horizontal or vertical arrangements. Direct fire heaters contain few moving parts which make the maintenance requirements minimal. Workers are able to focus on their tasks at hand rather than the heating system.
You can utilize a direct fired heater as a 100% make-up air unit to capture, reheat, and return building air. The makeup air units use liquid propane or natural gas. The heat is produced by a flame coming into direct contact with the source of the fuel converting it into usable energy. An added benefit of that feature is that these systems are incredibly efficient.
Make Up Air Unit Indirect Fired Heaters

An indirect fired heater recirculates the stifling air at the ceiling. The room warms up by removing colder layers of air at the floor level. This process is to eliminate the possibility of condensation forming on materials stored in an enclosed space. As doors open and close within an area, they release more air outside. This results in humidity entering the building.
Indirect fire heaters reduce the risk of humidity buildup, which makes them more useful in small indoor spaces. Because of the dryness of the heated air, this system becomes the perfect candidate to heat rooms where mold is of concern. Fumes from indirect fire heaters are release outside of the building via an external exhaust system.
Industrial Make-up Air Units
An Industrial make-up air units bring in fresh outside air without the heating element. Make-up air unit provides the required number of air changes while maintaining, or even sometimes reducing, the building temperature. In conclusion, utilizing a make-up air unit from Moffitt will help improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs of your building. If you would like to learn more about our make-up air units, contacts us today!