The Benefits of Becoming Compliant with the New Heat Regulations by Upgrading Ventilation

With the growing climate crisis, industrial buildings are turning into ovens, putting workers at increased risk of heat-related illness. Upgrading ventilation systems for heat compliance is becoming more and more vital as temperatures continue to break record highs and new indoor heat regulations sweep the country. Improving the building’s ventilation system is a cost-effective, long-term solution to becoming compliant that offers several benefits.
Avoid OSHA Penalties with Ventilation Systems for Heat Compliance
OSHA is known to come down hard on industrial facilities that do not take steps to protect their workers from jobsite hazards, and that now includes excessive indoor heat. In the state of California, for example, stricter indoor heat regulations have recently gone into effect, with businesses already facing OSHA penalties for noncompliance. However, upgrading industrial ventilation systems is a cost-effective and long-term solution to avoiding OSHA penalties due to excessive indoor heat.
Businesses already facing noncompliance warnings should contact the experts at Moffitt as soon as possible to set up their free on-site ventilation evaluation and design. This will allow you to show OSHA you are actively taking steps to protect your workers and help satisfy the new regulations.
Improve Worker Retention
Even with extra breaks in designated cooling areas and access to cold water, working in extreme heat environments will take its toll on workers, causing them to begin searching for employment with more comfortable working conditions. These workers are even willing to take substantial pay cuts in exchange for a cooler jobsite. By upgrading ventilation systems for heat compliance, companies will also benefit from improved employee retention and potentially attract additional skilled labor.
Reduce Energy Consumption
It’s amazing how well natural ventilation systems can cool the inside of warehouses, factories, manufacturing plants, and metal and glass working facilities. When expertly designed ventilation systems for heat compliance will dramatically reduce internal temperatures by up to 30 degrees. Roof vents, such as the MoffittVent, allow the hot air to escape while wall louvers pull fresh, cooler air into the building by taking advantage of natural thermodynamics instead of costly electrical power.
Long-term Savings
When custom designed by ventilation experts, upgraded systems can lead to significant long-term savings, paying for themselves in just 2 to 3 years. Natural ventilation, for example, requires zero energy costs to operate and often requires little to no maintenance, which can result in tens of thousands of dollars in savings. When you add in the savings from improved retention and avoided OSHA penalties, the long-term savings can be very healthy.
Custom Ventilation Systems for Heat Compliance
Just as every business is different, every building is unique, and the optimal ventilation system for heat compliance will depend on several factors, such as:
- Building Height and Layout
- Material and Insulation
- Environmental and Client Considerations
- Heat Producing Operations
The best way to become compliant through upgrading your ventilation system is by taking advantage of Moffitt’s free on-site ventilation evaluation and system design service. We understand the importance of prompt action to meet these new regulations and strive to arrive within days with dedicated ventilation experts to help develop your solution. The time to become compliant is now. Contact Moffitt to schedule your free consultation today!