Which is the Best Industrial Fan for you?
Unfortunately, it can be complicated determining which is the best industrial fan for you. There is no single product known as a “warehouse fan” or “factory fan”. Instead there are a variety of fans in different sizes, capacities, drive types, motors, etc. Choosing the right one for you can be a challenge. Fortunately, Moffitt has the experience and technology to help you find the right warehouse fan for your facility.
Fan Selection Software
Moffitt provides fan selection software to help you discover which is the right fan for you. Scroll down to use the Selection Software and keep scrolling for additional instructions.
- The first step is to enter the required conditions. This includes the airflow, the static pressure, the elevation, and the current temperature in the building.
- Next, select the type of fan you feel is the best option.
- Sidewall propeller fans (Model P line) fit into the building wall,
- Propeller Hooded Roof fans (Model H line) mount on the roof and are great at exhausting air from the building.
- Propeller Upblast Foor Fans (Model V line) provide significant exhaust for hot stagnant areas.
- Tube Axial Fans (Model TB & Model TD) move higher volumes of air at lower static pressures.
- Centrifugal Filtered Supply Fans (Model RCF) utilize a filter.
- Following the model section, the next step is to choose your preferred features. This includes Drive Type (direct drive or belt motor), Application (Exhaust or Supply), and Propeller Material.
- Finally, click select to see which fan fits your criteria. You can then view a submittal of the unit or download the DWG file. You can also send the info straight to us to order your new fan.
Moffitt Can Help You Find Which Industrial Fan is Best for You

While this is great for customers who know exactly what they need, some people don’t. That’s okay, with Moffitt, you don’t have to be an expert on ventilation. That’s what we’re here for.
All you have to do is contact us and give us some general info about your building (temperatures, building dimensions, etc.) and we can find the right fans for you. We’ll even tell you where to put them for peak performance. This is part of our ventilation design service, and it is always 100% FREE.
So, whether you use the Fan Selection Software or give us a call at (904) 241-9944. Our team is here to help you find the best industrial fan for your building.